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Many of our price tags include comparison prices, which are references to regular retail prices of the same or similar items at full-price department or specialty retailers. Where identical items are not available, we compare to products of a similar type, quality and style. Prices vary among other sellers and change over time, but our buying staff's goal is always to provide you with a useful comparison based on prices at which we believe substantial sales of the same or a similar item have been made at full-price department or specialty retailers in the area or online. Our mission is always to bring you and your family exceptional value every day — it is the foundation of our business.
Cotton Mist Blanket

This item's so popular it's sold out!

Product Details

  • natural cotton is soft and breathable, perfect for year round comfort, loomwoven to provvide long-lasting quality and comfort
  • cotton
  • machine wash
  • style #:4000235883